These suitcases are so beautiful made, they are simple, colourful and handy.
They feel vintage because they are around for so many years. Use them for keeping your toys, they can be your little hiding place to save your most precious treasures or the big ones even can be used as an actual suitcase for traveling.
Also they make a great gift for a special occasion, if your child becomes a big brother or sister, if they go to school for the first time, if you are moving to a new place or if you go on a big journey. When things around you change it helps to have something just for you, with your special items close.
These suitcases are available in three different sizes:
Small: 25 cm x 18 cm x 8,5 cm
Middle: 30 cm x 20,5 x 9 cm
Large: 35 cm x 23 cm x 10 cm